Making Friends

We love honey bees and want everyone else to as well, so we offer an Outreach Program!

About our Outreach...

As we've mentioned, Beekeepers love to talk about bees and we know that some people have some misconceptions, fears, and just want to know more. We have members that will come speak to your group or organization.

Here are of a few of the things we ask...

  • Speaking least 30 minutes

  • Depending on the audience, we may need a projector or electricity

  • Why you are looking for a Beekeeper to speak to your group (this helps us to focus on a topic to meet given time and audience)

Please keep in mind that the majority of our Beekeepers do this as a hobby and have a "normal" job, so availability varies. Making your request as far in advance as possible, helps us find an available Beekeeper.

Thoughts for Topics...

If you have any questions about the Outreach Program, please email us.

When you are ready to request an Outreach, please complete our Request Form.